ULLL Riverdogs vs. CLLL Braves - May 5th, 2001

CLLL Braves vs. ULLL Riverdogs
at Robinson Field, Leesburg - May 5th, 2001

Action shots are actually difficult to take, especially when you have to shoot through a chainlink fence at kids either running away from you, or at a distance. Although one of these shots I've put up isn't as sharp as I'd like, I still think the motion expressed by both the runner and the outfielder are wonderful.

But the one shot that really surprised me was when I realized I'd actually captured the ball being hit. I was standing next to our coach at the time, explaining how I wanted to catch that type of shot, and I remember him looking at me after he heard the camera beep the second the bat cracked, and saying "I think you got it." I laughed, and told him "probably not."

But ... he was right!

Sprinting second on a line drive.

Running to third on a drive into left field.

Itching to steal third.

And it's a hit!

Good eye!

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